
            My approach begins with a phone call where we take the time to go over the essentials of your concerns. It’s important that we both feel positive about my understanding of your concerns, how they came about, and very importantly, what your hopes are.

          We then will set up a time to meet at my office, video conference or telephone conference.  We will proceed with talking over the highlights of your growing up years.  During the initial sessions, we will cover a lot of territory in terms of getting to know what you received during your childhood, adolescence, and young adult years, as well as, what you may have not received.  I will want to make sure I understand what you learned and came to believe about yourself.  Your strengths, your talents/interests and goals are also very important for us to really comprehend in order to for you to achieve the desires of your heart.

          After we complete the first part of the journey, we will be able to know what the obstacles have been to you becoming who you were meant to be.

          And so begins the next part of the journey… learning to see clearly the coping styles from the past that have come into our present day.  We will together learn to see these “outdated” coping styles as they are happening in real time.  We can then learn and practice respectively stopping them and replacing them with effective coping styles tailored for your personality.  This will help you to be the person you were meant to be and begin embracing the desires of your heart.

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9:00 am-6:00 pm


9:00 am-6:00 pm


9:00 am-6:00 pm


9:00 am-6:00 pm


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By Appointment